Excess mortality
Data preparation
COVID-19 data
Pulling data directly from Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center github repo (using csse_covid_19_daily_reports
with appropriate time stamps).
Sources of data given for three analysed countries are:
- Spain - RTVE
- Sweden - The Swedish Public Health Agency
- Switzerland
- Federal Office Of Public Health
- Open Government Data Reported By The Swiss Cantons
<- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports/12-31-2020.csv") %>%
covid_cases_deaths_jh_20 filter(Country_Region %in% c("Switzerland", "Sweden", "Spain")) %>%
group_by(Country_Region) %>%
summarise(Confirmed = sum(Confirmed, na.rm = TRUE),
Deaths = sum(Deaths, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Year = 2020)
<- bind_rows(
read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports/07-01-2021.csv") %>%
filter(Country_Region %in% c("Switzerland", "Sweden", "Spain")) %>%
group_by(Country_Region) %>%
summarise(Confirmed = sum(Confirmed, na.rm = TRUE),
Deaths = sum(Deaths, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
left_join(covid_cases_deaths_jh_20 %>%
rename (Deaths_20 = Deaths,
Confirmed_20 = Confirmed)) %>%
mutate(Deaths = Deaths - Deaths_20,
Confirmed = Confirmed - Confirmed_20) %>%
select(-ends_with("_20")) %>%
mutate(Year = 2021)
) rename(Country = Country_Region) %>%
write_rds(covid_cases_deaths_jh, "data/covid_cases_deaths_jh.Rds")
HMD - yearly data with age & sex structure
The Human Mortality Database is the source of the data.
Available on yearly resolution only but for one year age bands & separate by sex.
The dataset has been last updated on 2021-11-10
In order to update newer data the chunk option of the code snippet below has to be changed to eval=TRUE
and a password to user account on mortality.org website provided (stored in plain text file HMD.txt
in secrets
directory of the project).
# text file with password or modify password in calls below
<- readr::read_file("secrets/HMD.txt")
# CH
# pop
<- readHMDweb(CNTRY = "CHE", item ="Population" ,
hmd_ch_pop_raw username = "r.panczak@gmail.com", password = password,
fixup = FALSE) %>%
write_rds(hmd_ch_pop_raw, "data-raw/mortality_org/hmd_ch_pop_raw.Rds")
# deaths
<- readHMDweb(CNTRY = "CHE", item = "Deaths_1x1",
hmd_ch_deaths_raw username = "r.panczak@gmail.com", password = password,
fixup = FALSE) %>%
write_rds(hmd_ch_deaths_raw, "data-raw/mortality_org/hmd_ch_deaths_raw.Rds")
# ES
# pop
# 1975 problem resolved in issue #45
<- readHMDweb(CNTRY = "ESP", item ="Population" ,
hmd_es_pop_raw username = "r.panczak@gmail.com", password = password,
fixup = FALSE) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(Year = ifelse(Year == "1975+", 1975, Year)) %>%
filter(Year != "1975-") %>%
mutate(Year = as.numeric(Year))
write_rds(hmd_es_pop_raw, "data-raw/mortality_org/hmd_es_pop_raw.Rds")
# deaths
<- readHMDweb(CNTRY = "ESP", item = "Deaths_1x1",
hmd_es_deaths_raw username = "r.panczak@gmail.com", password = password,
fixup = FALSE) %>%
write_rds(hmd_es_deaths_raw, "data-raw/mortality_org/hmd_es_deaths_raw.Rds")
# SE
# pop
<- readHMDweb(CNTRY = "SWE", item ="Population" ,
hmd_se_pop_raw username = "r.panczak@gmail.com", password = password,
fixup = FALSE) %>%
write_rds(hmd_se_pop_raw, "data-raw/mortality_org/hmd_se_pop_raw.Rds")
# deaths
<- readHMDweb(CNTRY = "SWE", item = "Deaths_1x1",
hmd_se_deaths_raw username = "r.panczak@gmail.com", password = password,
fixup = FALSE) %>%
write_rds(hmd_se_deaths_raw, "data-raw/mortality_org/hmd_se_deaths_raw.Rds")
Yearly deaths
Combining three countries into one dataset.
hmd_deaths_age_sex bind_rows(
read_rds("data-raw/mortality_org/hmd_es_deaths_raw.Rds") %>% mutate(Country = "Spain"),
read_rds("data-raw/mortality_org/hmd_se_deaths_raw.Rds") %>% mutate(Country = "Sweden"),
read_rds("data-raw/mortality_org/hmd_ch_deaths_raw.Rds") %>% mutate(Country = "Switzerland")
) select(-Male, -Female) %>%
mutate(Age = if_else(Age == "110+", "110", Age)) %>%
mutate(Year = as.integer(Year),
Age = as.integer(Age),
Deaths = as.integer(round(Total))) %>%
select(-Total) %>%
write_rds(hmd_deaths_age_sex, "data/mortality_org/hmd_deaths_age_sex.Rds")
Note: Spain has two years less of data than other two countries:
# A tibble: 3 x 3
Country Min Max
<chr> <int> <int>
1 Spain 1908 2018
2 Sweden 1751 2020
3 Switzerland 1876 2020
Yearly totals per country indicating different time frames of data.
<- hmd_deaths_age_sex %>%
hmd_deaths_year group_by(Country, Year) %>%
summarise(Deaths = as.integer(round(sum(Deaths)))) %>%
write_rds(hmd_deaths_year, "data/mortality_org/hmd_deaths_year.Rds")
Example of age breakdown, showing demographic transition and first, crude indication of the effects of pandemics (and also - smaller coverage of ESP data!).
Yearly population
Similarly, population data is available with 1y age bands by year.
Again, Spain has less data:
# A tibble: 3 x 3
Country Min Max
<chr> <int> <int>
1 Spain 1908 2019
2 Sweden 1751 2021
3 Switzerland 1876 2021
Yearly totals
<- hmd_pop_age_sex %>%
hmd_pop_year group_by(Country, Year) %>%
summarise(Population = as.integer(round(sum(Population)))) %>%
write_rds(hmd_pop_year, "data/mortality_org/hmd_pop_year.Rds")
Again, age structure is available on yearly resolution. Example of three countries (starting in 1908
- at minimum year of coverage for all countries).
Monthly deaths until 2020
Historical data from Todesfälle nach Monat und Sterblichkeit seit 1803.
Using data only since 1877
when monthly reporting starts.
<- read.px("data-raw/BfS/px-x-0102020206_111.px") %>%
ch_deaths_month as_tibble() %>% remove_empty() %>% clean_names() %>%
rename(Year = jahr,
Deaths = value) %>%
mutate(Year = as.numeric(as.character(Year))) %>%
filter(Year >= 1877) %>%
filter(str_detect(demografisches_merkmal_und_indikator, 'Todesfälle im')) %>%
droplevels(.) %>%
mutate(Month = rep(seq(1:12), times = nrow(.)/12) ) %>%
select(-demografisches_merkmal_und_indikator) %>%
mutate(Date = ymd(paste0(Year, "-", Month, "-01")),
Year = as.integer(Year),
Deaths = as.integer(Deaths)) %>%
relocate(Year, Month, Date)
Monthly 2021 deaths
BfS delivered custom data to supplement first six months of 2021
. Merged to dataset covering period until 2020
<- read_csv("data-raw/BfS/Lieferung_Staub_2021_MonatsdatenJANbisJUN_Update04NOV21.csv", col_types = cols(TodJahr = col_integer(), TodMonat = col_integer(), Alter = col_integer(), COUNT = col_integer()), trim_ws = TRUE) %>%
ch_deaths_2021 rename(Year = TodJahr, Month = TodMonat, Deaths = COUNT) %>%
filter(Year == as.integer(2021)) %>%
group_by(Year, Month) %>%
summarise(Deaths = sum(Deaths)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Date = ymd(paste0(Year, "-", Month, "-01")),
Deaths = as.integer(round(Deaths))) %>%
select(Year, Month, Date, Deaths)
Monthly datasets combined
Yearly 2021 deaths with age & sex structure
BfS delivered data to supplement missing six months of 2021
<- read_csv("data-raw/BfS/Lieferung_Staub_2021_MonatsdatenJANbisJUN_Update04NOV21.csv", col_types = cols(TodJahr = col_integer(), TodMonat = col_integer(), Alter = col_integer(), COUNT = col_integer()), trim_ws = TRUE) %>%
ch_deaths_age_sex_2021 rename(Year = TodJahr, Age = Alter, Sex = Geschlecht, Deaths = COUNT) %>%
select(-TodMonat) %>%
group_by(Year, Age) %>%
summarise(Deaths = sum(Deaths)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Country = "Switzerland",
Deaths = as.integer(round(Deaths))) %>%
Monthly deaths untill 2019
Data from INE: - data prior to 1940 was transcribed from PDFs available from INE
- Vital Statistics: Deaths (Historical series 1941-1974) 1941-1974
- Vital Statistics: Deaths (Series since 1975)* since 1975
<- read_xlsx("data-raw/INE/Spain.xlsx") %>%
es_deaths_month remove_empty(which = c("rows", "cols")) %>%
clean_names() %>%
rename(Year = jahr) %>%
pivot_longer(!Year, names_to = "Month", values_to = "Deaths") %>%
mutate(Month = as.integer(str_replace(Month, fixed("m"), "")),
Year = as.integer(Year),
Deaths = as.integer(round(Deaths))) %>%
mutate(Date = ymd(paste0(Year, "-", Month, "-01"))) %>%
relocate(Year, Month, Date) %>%
filter(Year != 2020)
Monthly 2020 deaths
update is from Vital Statistics. Provisional data: Year 2020 here
<- fn_get_death_data_spain("data-raw/INE/Spain_2020.xlsx") %>%
es_2020 gather(., Month, Deaths, January:December, factor_key = TRUE) %>%
group_by(Month) %>%
summarize(Deaths = sum(Deaths, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Year = as.integer(2020),
Deaths = as.integer(Deaths),
Date = ymd(paste0(Year, Month, "-01")),
Month = as.integer(Month)) %>%
relocate(Year, Month, Date, Deaths)
Monthly 2021 deaths
data is from Estimate of number of weekly deaths during the Covid-19 outbreak here.
Note: data are in weekly format and converted with methods (and caveats!) described STMF chapter of weekly data doc.
<- read_xlsx("data-raw/INE/Spain_2021_death_up.xlsx", skip = 9) %>%
temp remove_empty(which = c("rows", "cols")) %>%
clean_names() %>%
rename(Week = x1) %>%
filter(!is.na(from_0_to_4_years_old)) %>%
mutate(Deaths = rowSums(.[-1])) %>%
select(Week, Deaths)
<- weekToMonth(rev(temp$Deaths), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
es_2021 as_tibble() %>%
separate(yearMonth, c("Year", "Month"), convert = TRUE) %>%
rename(Deaths = value) %>%
mutate(Date = ymd(paste0(Year, "-", Month, "-01")),
Deaths = as.integer(Deaths)) %>%
relocate(Year, Month, Date) %>%
filter(Year == 2021) %>%
filter(Month <= 6)
Monthly datasets combined
Yearly 2019-2020 deaths with age structure
INE data to supplement missing 2019-20 years in HMD.
data available in Vital Statistics: Deaths here and 2020
data available inVital Statistics. Provisional data: Year 2020 here.
<- bind_rows(
delim = ";",
locale = locale(grouping_mark = "."),
trim_ws = TRUE) %>%
mutate(Year = as.integer(2019)) %>%
mutate(Age = word(Edad, 1),
Age = str_replace(Age, fixed("Menores"), "0"),
Age = as.integer(Age)
) select(Year, Age, Total) %>%
mutate(Deaths = as.integer(round(Total))) %>%
fn_get_death_data_spain("data-raw/INE/Spain_2020.xlsx") %>%
gather(., Month, Deaths, January:December, factor_key = TRUE) %>%
group_by(Age) %>%
::summarize(Deaths = sum(Deaths, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
dplyrmutate(Year = as.integer(2020),
Deaths = as.integer(Deaths)) %>%
select(Year, Age, Deaths)
) mutate(Country = "Spain") %>% relocate(Country)
Yearly 2021 deaths with age structure
INE data to supplement missing 6 months of 2021
in HMD available from Weekly death estimates (EDeS) during the covid-19 outbreak here.
Note: data are in weekly format and converted with methods (and caveats!) described above in STMF chapter.
<- read_xlsx("data-raw/INE/Spain_2021_death_up.xlsx", skip = 9) %>%
temp remove_empty(which = c("rows", "cols")) %>%
clean_names() %>%
rename(Week = x1) %>%
<- bind_rows(
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_0_to_4_years_old), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 0) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_5_to_9_years), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 5) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_10_to_14_years), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 10) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_15_to_19_years), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 15) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_20_to_24_years), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 20) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_25_to_29_years), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 25) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_30_to_34_years_old), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 30) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_35_to_39_years_old), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 35) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_40_to_44_years), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 40) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_45_to_49_years_old), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 45) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_50_to_54_years_old), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 50) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_55_to_59_years_old), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 55) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_60_to_64_years_old), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 60) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_65_to_69_years_old), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 65) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_70_to_74_years), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 70) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_75_to_79_years), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 75) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_80_to_84_years), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 80) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$from_85_to_89_years), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 85) %>% as_tibble(),
weekToMonth(rev(temp$x90_years_old_and_over), datStart = "31-12-2018") %>%
mutate(Age = 90) %>% as_tibble()
) as_tibble() %>%
mutate(Country = "Spain") %>%
separate(yearMonth, c("Year", "Month"), convert = TRUE) %>%
rename(Deaths = value) %>%
mutate(Deaths = as.integer(Deaths),
Age = as.integer(Age)) %>%
relocate(Country, Year, Month, Age) %>%
filter(Year == 2021) %>%
filter(Month <= 6) %>%
group_by(Country, Year, Age) %>%
summarise(Deaths = sum(Deaths)) %>%
Monthly deaths untill 2020
<- read_csv("data-raw/SCB/000000NF_20210315-164930.csv",
se_deaths_month skip = 2) %>%
remove_empty(which = c("rows", "cols")) %>%
clean_names() %>%
rename(Month_txt = month) %>%
filter(Month_txt != "Unknown") %>%
select(-sex) %>%
pivot_longer(!Month_txt, names_to = "Year", values_to = "Deaths") %>%
group_by(Year, Month_txt) %>%
summarise(Deaths = sum(Deaths)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Year = as.integer(str_replace(Year, fixed("x"), "")),
Month = match(Month_txt, month.name),
Deaths = as.integer(round(Deaths))) %>%
select(-Month_txt) %>%
mutate(Date = ymd(paste0(Year, "-", Month, "-01"))) %>%
relocate(Year, Month, Date) %>%
arrange(Year, Month)
Monthly 2021 deaths
Preliminär statistik över döda (Excel) file is available from SCB. Data are available till October.
# curl command doesn't work with this URL
# please download manually using link above!
download.file(url = "https://www.scb.se/hitta-statistik/statistik-efter-amne/befolkning/befolkningens-sammansattning/befolkningsstatistik/pong/tabell-och-diagram/preliminar-statistik-over-doda/",
destfile = "data-raw/SCB/2021-08-23-preliminar_statistik_over_doda_inkl_eng.xlsx",
method = "curl")
<- read_excel("data-raw/SCB/2021-11-01-preliminar_statistik_over_doda_inkl_eng.xlsx", sheet = "Tabell 10", skip = 10) %>%
se_deaths_month_2021 filter(Region == "Hela riket" & Period == "2021 antal") %>%
select(Januari:Oktober) %>%
pivot_longer(Januari:Oktober) %>%
mutate(Year = as.integer(2021),
Month = 1:10,
Date = ymd(paste0(Year, "-", Month, "-01")),
Deaths = as.integer(value)
) select(-name, -value) %>%
filter(Month <= 6)
se_deaths_month bind_rows(se_deaths_month_2021) %>%
mutate(Country = "Sweden") %>% relocate(Country)
Monthly deaths combined
Projected 2020-21 population numbers
Data used for projection come from HMD.
<- hmd_pop_age_sex %>%
hmd_pop_age_agg mutate(Age_cat = cut(Age, c(seq(0, 90, 10), 120),
include.lowest = TRUE, right = FALSE)) %>%
group_by(Country, Year, Age_cat) %>%
summarise(Population = sum(Population)) %>%
As explained above, Spain has less data:
hmd_pop_age_agg # filter(Year >= 2010 & Year <= 2019) %>%
filter(Year >= 2015) %>%
aes(x = Year, y = Population, fill = factor(Year))) +
geom_col() +
scale_y_continuous() +
theme_bw() +
scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "E", direction = -1) +
xlab("Age group") + ylab("Population difference between sources") +
facet_grid(vars(Country), vars(Age_cat), scales = "free_y") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 2019.5, color = "red")
For each year, age, country stratum, linear model is fit using the 2015-2019
data; then prediction is made for 2020
& 2021
years. The gist of this operation is to exclude the effect of pandemic from the population counts in years affected.
# p_load(mgcv)
# p_load(splines)
# knots <- quantile(seq.int(2010, 2019), p = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))
<- hmd_pop_age_agg %>%
pop_age_2020 filter(Year >= 2015 & Year <= 2019) %>%
group_by(Country, Age_cat) %>%
# do(broom::tidy(lm(population ~ year, data = .))) %>%
# do(broom::augment(lm(population ~ year, data = .))) %>%
# lm
do(lm(Population ~ Year, data = .) %>%
# polynomial
# do(lm(Population ~ poly(Year, 2, raw = TRUE), data = .) %>%
# spline
# do(lm(Population ~ bs(Year, knots = knots), data = .) %>%
# do(gam(Population ~ s(Year), data = .) %>%
predict(., newdata = tibble(Year = c(2020, 2021))) %>%
tibble(Year = c(2020, 2021),
Population = .)
) ungroup() %>%
mutate(Population = as.integer(round(Population)),
Year = as.integer(round(Year))) %>%
arrange(Country, Year, Age_cat) %>%
relocate(Country, Year, Age_cat, Population)
For comparison against 2020
& 2021
we use data from HMD (for SWE & CHE) and INE (for ESP). For the latter we use Main series since 1971
from here. # HMD docs say that pop Spain 2013-2019 are from: “1 Jan” so using data from this time point for consistency.
es_pop_age_new bind_rows(
sheet=1,range="A8:H212") %>%
slice(., -(1:2)) %>%
select(1,8) %>%
rename(Population=`Both sexes...8`) %>%
filter(!is.na(Population)) %>%
mutate(Age=0:(nrow(.)-1)) %>%
select(Age, Population) %>%
mutate(Year = as.integer(2020)),
sheet=1,range="A8:B212") %>%
slice(., -(1:2)) %>%
rename(Population=`Both sexes`) %>%
filter(!is.na(Population)) %>%
mutate(Age=0:(nrow(.)-1)) %>%
select(Age, Population) %>%
mutate(Year = as.integer(2021))
) mutate(Age_cat = cut(Age, c(seq(0, 90, 10), 120),
include.lowest = TRUE, right = FALSE
)) group_by(Year, Age_cat) %>%
summarise(Population = sum(Population)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Population = as.integer(Population),
Country = "Spain") %>%
relocate(Country, Year)
Absolute difference across countries and age groups in 2020/21
Relative differences in 2020/21
Fit & prediction 2020/21
<- function(country) {
fn_age_plot %>%
data filter(Country == country) %>%
ggplot(data = .,
aes(x = Year, y = Population / 1000000,
color = factor(Source))) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(data = . %>%
filter(Source == "HMD" & Year < 2020),
colour = "grey40", size = 0.5,
method = "lm",
se = FALSE) +
# geom_smooth(data = . %>%
# filter(Source == "HMD" & Year < 2020),
# method = "lm",
# # formula = y ~ poly(x, 2, raw = TRUE),
# formula = y ~ splines::bs(x, df = 3),
# # method = "gam",
# # formula = y ~ s(x),
# se = FALSE) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) +
theme_bw() +
scale_colour_discrete(hue_pal()(2), name = "Source") +
xlab("Year") + ylab("Population [millions]") +
facet_wrap(vars(Age_cat), scales = "free_y")
Combined analysis datasets
Population - predicted figures
Merging HMD until 2019 and predictions for 2020 & 2021.
<- bind_rows(
hmd_pop_age_agg filter(Year < 2020),
pop_age_2020 %>%
) arrange(Country, Year, Age_cat) %>%
rename(Population_exp = Population)
<- pop_age_sex_exp %>%
pop_yearly_exp group_by(Country, Year) %>%
summarise(Population_exp = sum(Population_exp)) %>%
Population - observed figures
Merging HMD until 2021 for CHE & SWE with INE data for ESP for 2020 & 2021.
<- bind_rows(
es_pop_age_new %>%
) arrange(Country, Year, Age_cat) %>%
rename(Population_obs = Population)
<- pop_age_sex_obs %>%
pop_yearly_obs group_by(Country, Year) %>%
summarise(Population_obs = sum(Population_obs)) %>%
Monthly deaths with yearly pops
<- bind_rows(
### ESP - starting at 1908; see issue #81
es_deaths_month filter(Year >= 1908),
# NAs for second half of year
es_deaths_month filter(Year == 2020 & Month > 6) %>%
mutate(Year = as.integer(2021),
Deaths = NA_integer_),
### SWE
se_deaths_month filter(Year == 2020 & Month > 6) %>%
mutate(Year = as.integer(2021),
Deaths = NA_integer_,
Date = Date + years(1)),
ch_deaths_month filter(Year == 2020 & Month > 6) %>%
mutate(Year = as.integer(2021),
Deaths = NA_integer_,
Date = Date + years(1))
) left_join(pop_yearly_obs) %>%
left_join(pop_yearly_exp) %>%
arrange(Country, Year, Month) %>%
mutate(si_one = sin(2*pi*Month/12),
si_two = sin(4*pi*Month/12),
co_one = cos(2*pi*Month/12),
co_two = cos(4*pi*Month/12))
write_rds(deaths_monthly, "data/deaths_monthly.Rds")
Name | deaths_monthly |
Number of rows | 5160 |
Number of columns | 11 |
_______________________ | |
Column type frequency: | |
character | 1 |
Date | 1 |
numeric | 9 |
________________________ | |
Group variables | None |
Variable type: character
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | min | max | empty | n_unique | whitespace |
Country | 0 | 1 | 5 | 11 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Variable type: Date
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | min | max | median | n_unique |
Date | 0 | 1 | 1851-01-01 | 2021-12-01 | 1950-04-16 | 2052 |
Variable type: numeric
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | mean | sd | p0 | p25 | p50 | p75 | p100 | hist |
Year | 0 | 1 | 1947.94 | 44.46 | 1851.00 | 1914.00 | 1950.0 | 1986.00 | 2021.00 | <U+2583><U+2586><U+2587><U+2587><U+2587> |
Month | 0 | 1 | 6.50 | 3.45 | 1.00 | 3.75 | 6.5 | 9.25 | 12.00 | <U+2587><U+2585><U+2585><U+2585><U+2587> |
Deaths | 18 | 1 | 12381.92 | 11683.42 | 3138.00 | 5073.00 | 6548.5 | 19991.25 | 163422.00 | <U+2587><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581> |
Population_obs | 0 | 1 | 12962850.43 | 12692201.35 | 2766150.00 | 4645244.00 | 6915352.0 | 20598108.00 | 47394223.00 | <U+2587><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581> |
Population_exp | 0 | 1 | 12961746.35 | 12687827.68 | 2766150.00 | 4645244.00 | 6915352.0 | 20598108.00 | 47085087.00 | <U+2587><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581> |
si_one | 0 | 1 | 0.00 | 0.71 | -1.00 | -0.59 | 0.0 | 0.59 | 1.00 | <U+2587><U+2585><U+2585><U+2585><U+2587> |
si_two | 0 | 1 | 0.00 | 0.71 | -0.87 | -0.87 | 0.0 | 0.87 | 0.87 | <U+2587><U+2581><U+2587><U+2581><U+2587> |
co_one | 0 | 1 | 0.00 | 0.71 | -1.00 | -0.59 | 0.0 | 0.59 | 1.00 | <U+2587><U+2585><U+2585><U+2585><U+2587> |
co_two | 0 | 1 | 0.00 | 0.71 | -1.00 | -0.50 | 0.0 | 0.50 | 1.00 | <U+2583><U+2587><U+2581><U+2587><U+2583> |
Yearly deaths by sex and age group with pops
Spain age&sex distribution in HMD is available from later!
<- bind_rows(
# 2020 is already in HMD for SWE
# 2021 is sadly missing for SWE
# 2020 is already in HMD for CHE
) mutate(
# Age_cat = cut(Age,
# breaks = c(0, 1, 5, 20, 40, 60, 80, 112),
# # labels = c("<1", "1-4", "5-19", "20-39", "40-59", "60-79","80+"),
# right = FALSE),
Age_cat = cut(Age,
breaks = c(seq(0, 90, 10), 120),
include.lowest = TRUE, right = FALSE)
) group_by(Country, Year, Age_cat) %>%
summarise(Deaths = sum(Deaths)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
left_join(pop_age_sex_obs) %>%
# labels=c("0-9","10-19","20-29","30-39","40-49", "50-59","60-69","70-79","80-89","90+")
write_rds(deaths_yearly_age_sex, "data/deaths_yearly_age_sex.Rds")
Name | deaths_yearly_age_sex |
Number of rows | 5300 |
Number of columns | 6 |
_______________________ | |
Column type frequency: | |
character | 1 |
factor | 1 |
numeric | 4 |
________________________ | |
Group variables | None |
Variable type: character
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | min | max | empty | n_unique | whitespace |
Country | 0 | 1 | 5 | 11 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Variable type: factor
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | ordered | n_unique | top_counts |
Age_cat | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 10 | [0,: 530, [10: 530, [20: 530, [30: 530 |
Variable type: numeric
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | mean | sd | p0 | p25 | p50 | p75 | p100 | hist |
Year | 0 | 1 | 1919.85 | 71.23 | 1751 | 1879.00 | 1933 | 1977.0 | 2021 | <U+2583><U+2582><U+2585><U+2587><U+2587> |
Deaths | 0 | 1 | 13170.75 | 22287.96 | 65 | 2694.75 | 5193 | 13933.5 | 250259 | <U+2587><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581> |
Population_obs | 0 | 1 | 1095818.15 | 1532831.43 | 378 | 211811.00 | 575000 | 1067678.0 | 8097288 | <U+2587><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581> |
Population_exp | 0 | 1 | 1095709.08 | 1532476.50 | 378 | 211811.00 | 575000 | 1067678.0 | 8097288 | <U+2587><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581> |
Computing Environment
R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363) Matrix products: default attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] skimr_2.1.3 lemon_0.4.5 kableExtra_1.3.4 wktmo_1.0.5 [5] aweek_1.0.2 lubridate_1.8.0 readxl_1.3.1 scales_1.1.1 [9] janitor_2.1.0 magrittr_2.0.1 forcats_0.5.1 stringr_1.4.0 [13] dplyr_1.0.7 purrr_0.3.4 readr_2.1.1 tidyr_1.1.4 [17] tibble_3.1.6 ggplot2_3.3.5 tidyverse_1.3.1 pacman_0.5.1To cite R in publications use:
R Core Team (2021). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. https://www.R-project.org/.
To cite the ggplot2 package in publications use:Wickham H (2016). ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York. ISBN 978-3-319-24277-4, https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org.