1 Time

August 2016 has been chosen to coincide with campus survey. 12th to 22nd August is the period with largest amount of data, limited by car counters.

2 Location

Pilot will be constrained to mesh block 30114560000 (same as SA1 30403109615)

Some stats might be only available on SA2 level (304031096 area St Lucia)? But that will be problematic since it includes non-campus part of St Lucia.

3 Census

3.1 Resident pop (ERP)

Estimated at 2,153 people for SA1 (place of usual residence)

3.2 Working pop

Destination Zones (DZN) geography code: 310961711 (equivalent to SA1?).

Estimated population 8,695 (place of work).

These can be disaggregated by place of origin (DZN or SA2 and above)

Both resident and working pops can come split by characteristics covered in the census.

3.3 Nightime pop

From the Aug UQ survey:

Collating information from the websites of each of the 10 residential colleges and Unilodge yielded a resident population of 2,747 for the St Lucia Campus as of August 2016. It is assumed that the resident population represents the overnight population of the campus.

4 Public transport

Data comes from UQ Saint Lucia Boardings & Alightings 12th - 29th August 2016 spreadsheet. With following metadata on it:

Author: Pearl Gariano Created: 2nd September 2016

Assumptions & Limitations:

  1. Data is extracted from NetBI
  2. Data reports on Stop Utilisation
  3. Boardings include GoCard, Paper ticket sale and Count data.
  4. Alightings include GoCard data only.
  5. Data reports on stops
  • UQ St Lucia ferry terminal [319665]
  • UQ Lakes - Zone A [1853]
  • UQ Lakes - Zone B [1877]
  • UQ Lakes - Zone C [1878]
  • UQ Lakes - Zone D [1880]
  • UQ Lakes - arrival. [1882]
  • University of Queensland - Zone A [1801]
  • University of Queensland - Zone B [1799]
  • University of Queensland - Zone C [1798]
  • University of Queensland - Zone D [1797]
  • University of Queensland - Zone E [1802]
  1. Data reports on week 12th-29rd August 2016

4.1 Locations

Two ‘clusters’ of bus stops and ferry terminal:

4.2 Data

‘Lakes’ and ‘UQ’ stops clusters were merged. 4962 public transport aggregated counts for three aggregated stop, separating boardings and alightings.

# A tibble: 5 × 5
  date                type             site  direction count
  <dttm>              <chr>            <chr> <chr>     <dbl>
1 2016-08-12 00:00:00 public_transport ferry outbound      0
2 2016-08-12 00:15:00 public_transport ferry outbound      0
3 2016-08-12 05:45:00 public_transport ferry outbound      1
4 2016-08-12 06:00:00 public_transport ferry outbound      0
5 2016-08-12 06:15:00 public_transport ferry outbound      0

Example data for 2016-08-16 from 4AM onwards:

4.3 Limitations

No split between staff and student (as in goCard).

5 Cyclists & pedestrians

5.1 Locations

Automatic & manual counts are available for locations 1 (bikes) and 9 (pedestrians & bikes):

5.2 Data - Green Bridge

15 minutes interval directional infrared counters for bikes and pedestrians (separately) from 2016-08-12 to 2016-08-22 23:45:00.

# A tibble: 5 × 5
  date                type     site         direction count
  <dttm>              <chr>    <chr>        <chr>     <dbl>
1 2016-08-12 00:00:00 cyclists green_bridge inbound       0
2 2016-08-12 00:15:00 cyclists green_bridge inbound       1
3 2016-08-12 00:30:00 cyclists green_bridge inbound       0
4 2016-08-12 00:45:00 cyclists green_bridge inbound       0
5 2016-08-12 01:00:00 cyclists green_bridge inbound       0

5.3 Results - Green Bridge

Example counts for 2016-08-16 across type and direction.

5.4 Data - Macquarie Drive

2102 records of pneumatic bike counts for ‘Brisbane River Bike Path near Rowing Club E/W’ station in 15 or 5 minutes intervals from 2016-08-12 to 2016-08-22 23:15:00.

# A tibble: 5 × 5
  date                type     site      direction count
  <dttm>              <chr>    <chr>     <chr>     <dbl>
1 2016-08-12 00:00:00 cyclists Macquarie inbound       0
2 2016-08-12 00:15:00 cyclists Macquarie inbound       0
3 2016-08-12 00:30:00 cyclists Macquarie inbound       0
4 2016-08-12 00:45:00 cyclists Macquarie inbound       0
5 2016-08-12 01:00:00 cyclists Macquarie inbound       0

5.5 Results - Macquarie Drive

Example counts for 2016-08-16 across type and direction from 4AM onwards.

6 Pneumatic car counts

6.1 Data - Chancellors, Schonell, McGregor

Pneumatic vehicle counts for

  • Chancellors Place N/S
  • Sir Fred Schonell Drive W/E
  • Sir William McGregor Drive N/S

sites in 15 minutes intervals. 6336 records from 2016-08-12 to 2016-08-22 23:45:00.

# A tibble: 5 × 5
  date                type     site        direction count
  <dttm>              <chr>    <chr>       <chr>     <dbl>
1 2016-08-12 00:00:00 vehicles Chancellors inbound       2
2 2016-08-12 00:15:00 vehicles Chancellors inbound       5
3 2016-08-12 00:30:00 vehicles Chancellors inbound       0
4 2016-08-12 00:45:00 vehicles Chancellors inbound       2
5 2016-08-12 01:00:00 vehicles Chancellors inbound       3

6.2 Average vehicle occupancy

6.2.1 Weekday

Few data points exist for observarions of car occupancy for weekday from the 2015 Survey (Tue 18th Aug).

loess.smooth is fitted using data points plus mean values added at the begining and end of the day.

6.2.2 Weekend

Better data are available for weekend occupancy of cars from 13th Aug 2016.

Again, loess.smooth is fitted using data points plus mean values added at the begining and end of the day.

6.3 Corrected counts

Counts of cars were corrected with average occupancy for week/weekends and rounded to integers.

6.4 Results - Chancellors, Schonell, McGregor

Example counts for 2016-08-16 across type and direction.

7 Combining counts

7.1 Counts across direction

public_transport, green_bridge, macquarie_bikes, vehicles_occupancy datasets were combined.

With transport mode, example of one day:

Ignoring transport mode, example of one day:

7.2 Stocks on campus

Calculated by mode & site without modifications